October Luncheon to Feature Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
AMA’s October Luncheon, which will feature artificial intelligence in marketing, is set for 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 18 at Greater New Orleans (GNO) Inc. at 1100 Poydras Street in New Orleans

The luncheon will be hosted by Right Hat founder Elonide Semmes who will discuss how artificial intelligence is transforming industry, where it can be found in business and what ethical and legal implications it may have.
Semmes founded Right Hat specifically to help companies and schools better articulate their intangible value. Where many branding agencies are hyperfocused on the design of marketing materials, she marries exceptional design with deep thinking about how buyers think. Most recently she led an 18-month initiative for the International Legal Marketing Association (LMA) on artificial intelligence. She is also a member of the LMA Hall of Fame..
Get Tickets
Tickets are $10 for members $25 for non-members and are available here.
The New Orleans Chapter of the American Marketing Association is a professional organization run by a volunteer board that serves the local marketing community by providing educational programming, resources and networking opportunities. More information about AMA New Orleans can be found at amaneworleans.com.