And we have just the place to post your blogs!! As a member of AMA, you have access to our Member Blog and can post any of your marketing-related content. We’d also love to have members that would like to help start the conversation before our monthly luncheons and keep it going after… engage with us and become a go-to expert in the Greater New Orleans Marketing Community!

Here are the quick and easy instructions on how to post your content and feel free to use any content you’re creating for other blogs/posts!! Yet remember that this blog is a member perk… only AMA members can post, though anyone can read and comment on the blog.

AMA Member Blog Instructs

  1. Click here:
  2. You may need to log in – see the green column on the left-hand side. Don’t remember your log in info? Click ‘Forgot Password’ and go through the process to reset your password being sure to input the email address where you receive event announcements.
  3. Once logged in – Click ‘Add Post’ and a WYSIWYG will open for you to copy/paste and format your content how you like!
  4. Click ‘Post’ at the bottom and you’ve started the journey of becoming a New Orleans area Marketing Expert! 

Direct any questions or requests to be a ‘luncheon blogger’ to our chapter email address:

Good luck and Keep Writing!