Call for Principals Panel Speakers
It is once again time for the New Orleans Chapter of the American Marketing Association to plan its Annual Agency Principals Panel. The American Marketing Association is one of the leading communications professional development organizations in the Greater New Orleans area. We are a strong local chapter of marketers representing the community’s top industries, including hospitality/tourism, communications, education, non-profit, healthcare, research, entertainment, and retail.
The Agency Principals Panel is the most popular luncheon of the programming year and typically a sellout. For this event we extend invitations to the city’s thought leaders in advertising and communications to discuss the industry, trends and case studies. This year, it will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2011 from 11:30AM- 1:30PM at the Audubon Tea Room, located at 6500 Magazine Street just outside of the Audubon Zoo. We are anticipating an audience of 150 of the city’s marketing minds.
The featured subject and the panel participants have evolved each year. We are incorporating two fresh new ideas for this year’s panel. The topic will focus on the interactive segment of communications and marketing. Technology has fundamentally changed how brands communicate directly with their audiences, not just online or through social media but across all channels including traditional media outlets. This year’s panel will delve into interactive thinking, how interactive channels are a part of the marketing matrix and how your company and the industry use these channels as the heart of marketing strategy and delivery.
As for the participants, the American Marketing Association board has decided to cast a wider net. We are inviting all 50 of the advertising and public relations firms listed in the 2010-2011 New Orleans City Business Book of Lists to toss their hats into the ring. Because the panel will only feature five principals, our membership will participate in a Facebook poll to elect and define whom they consider industry leaders and would like to see featured on the panel.
If you would like to be considered by our membership as a panel participant, please confirm that your company is interested in participating by Friday, March 25. Please email your company name and information on the primary contact to
Key Dates:
• March 25- Deadline for inclusion
• April 4-15- Facebook poll
• April 20- Participants announced
• May 3- Panel questions distributed to the participants
• May 12- Principal’s Panel
We are looking forward to the 2011 Agency Principal’s Panel and thank you for taking the time to consider participation. For questions or more information please contact us at